Forums / The hangaround / Amazing Optical Illusions

Amazing Optical Illusions
13:23:14 Jul 20th 06 - Lord Highwayman:

Well there will be when you all start adding more in!

Now this picture of a flask is very interesting.  I say it is a picture of 9 Dolphins but I believe some of you with less innocent minds may see something else entirely...

13:46:50 Jul 20th 06 - Mr. Kerry King:

I see 8 dolphins. The last one is hidden, bet you cant tell where, lol.

13:56:42 Jul 20th 06 - Mr. Kerry King:

well you are what you see.

14:53:37 Jul 20th 06 - Sir Naerey:

spent 10 minutes trying to see dolphins.... but I only see a girl o_O

and actually it's "we see what we want to see"

14:56:50 Jul 20th 06 - Viceroy Efrandor:

Weeey, I can see the dolphins!

But I don't like to share, you won't get a picture from me.

15:11:39 Jul 20th 06 - Sir Elsin:

Yeh. Dolphins. That's it. Dolphins.

Found them eventually, but it took a while with those two naked people down in front ;)

15:46:23 Jul 20th 06 - Viceroy Teddybear:

Hmm I'm afraid I'm less innocent then, can't find a single dolphine :p

15:52:45 Jul 20th 06 - Viceroy Chuck Norris:

Hehe, it took me a minute but I found em :)

As a hint to those who are having trouble, look near the crouchal region :P

16:05:48 Jul 20th 06 - Viceroy Teddybear:

Aaah that helped, its actually a tail, lol :p

16:11:51 Jul 20th 06 - Viceroy Engelhardus:

Count teh black dots :p

16:30:25 Jul 20th 06 - Viceroy Fishbot:

Found the dolphins but it was kind of hard with those to *beep*ing in front.

18:48:50 Jul 20th 06 - King Serapis:

i found all 8 dolphins :) too bad it took me soo long...

18:56:01 Jul 20th 06 - Sir Blackdagger:

i'm guessing 35 dots, cause it hurts you eyes looking at that, and I found only 7 dolphins.

19:42:03 Jul 20th 06 - Sir Spoon:

I'm not sure, but I think I found a dolphin. =P

22:03:34 Jul 20th 06 - Viceroy Muhammed:

22:06:34 Jul 20th 06 - Lady Aoife:

oh, I've seen that before.. I can still not understand how it's possible :S

22:08:33 Jul 20th 06 - Lord Highwayman:

The partitions are the same but the triangles are not.  I won't spoil it for Muhammed because it is an awesome illusion but illusion it is :D


22:48:17 Jul 20th 06 - Lady Aoife:

aha, I can see it now :) you're right, it's is an awesome illusion

23:37:08 Jul 20th 06 - Viceroy Efrandor:

Weeey, Effie can find the answer with the triangle, happy happy happy:D

23:52:01 Jul 20th 06 - Mr. Kilelrz of Doom:

01:55:31 Jul 21st 06 - King Serapis:

that is a great one man...

03:14:27 Jul 21st 06 - Mr. Kerry King:

huh, Im still looking and I cant see a waterfall anywhere. I can see the mountians though.

09:58:00 Jul 21st 06 - Viceroy Ghouma:

Its a dude...

10:07:43 Jul 21st 06 - Sir Spoon:

I have to agree with that.
But damn! This is getting a topic filled with porn ^^

(Edited by Sir Spoon 7/21/2006 10:08:13 AM)

16:52:26 Jul 21st 06 - Viceroy Chuck Norris:

That's not's close, but she's still covered.

22:18:21 Jul 21st 06 - Sir Blackdagger:

where's the waterfall?

22:20:02 Jul 21st 06 - Mr. Darkmir:

I see one dolphin, i understand where the hole came from and i had that as my msn display pic kilelrz!

(Edited by Mr. Darkmir 7/21/2006 10:20:39 PM)

23:37:17 Jul 21st 06 - Viceroy Corona:

who cares about the dolphins!

00:15:37 Jul 22nd 06 - Viceroy Oya:

errm well as this is an optical illusion thread, probably everyone looking for the dolphins cares.....and nice one on finding highwayman, researched that back when i was doing A level art, so i kinda got it straight away ^^

01:28:13 Jul 22nd 06 - Viceroy Twamao:

those two triangles are not equal. take a look at the 8th line from the left.the triangle's border are not the same. that hole is the summation of all the areas that are not equal. nice trick though.

is there a connection between porn and illusions??

02:32:50 Dec 23rd 06 - Sir Naholo Imastabi:

Hold on! I will go check!

04:49:48 Dec 23rd 06 - Ms. Mind:

can u read it? try pulling your eyes :P

08:54:43 Dec 23rd 06 - Ms. Meloveulongtime:

lol, then i have very good eyes :P

11:22:35 Dec 23rd 06 - General Muscle:

i see a dolphin behind the waterfall!!!

12:18:59 Dec 23rd 06 - Mr. Sezymon:

why are we supposed to see a waterfall on the pic with the girl after 5 min? There IS a waterfall in the pic.

01:46:50 Dec 24th 06 - Mr. Abijad:

Mr. Sezymon

12/23/2006 12:18:59 PMwhy are we supposed to see a waterfall on the pic with the girl after 5 min? There IS a waterfall in the pic.

lmao :P
Are you kidding?

01:51:16 Dec 24th 06 - Mr. Smuff VI:

no sex causes bad eyes haha


02:05:42 Dec 24th 06 - Mr. Abijad:

Ohhh I get the triangle one, it's not really an illusion is it? More like a mathmatical problem.

14:23:51 Dec 24th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

This one might seem stupid, but it's a very very very good one, try figure it out:)

16:05:57 Dec 24th 06 - Ms. Mind:

lol, im too stupid to get that one

03:27:52 Dec 26th 06 - Daimyo Chuck Norris:

Does not make might help if I knew what I was looking for.

03:39:50 Dec 26th 06 - Mr. Bongs:

haahah i get it!!!


When your drunk they move!!!

04:45:51 Dec 26th 06 - Mr. Remote:

Naholo you should be a doctor, maybe your almost reviving dead threads skill may revive people.

*Worships him* Oh hes the Jesus of the forum.

Hahahahahahahahahahahah sezy...

Uhhhhh i still don't get

(Edited by Mr. Remote 12/26/2006 4:46:55 AM)
(Edited by Mr. Remote 12/26/2006 4:48:21 AM)

16:20:10 Dec 26th 06 - Lord Efrandor:

Chuck; It sure would, and therefore destroying the picture, sorry, no hints:)

Bongs; That might be, I haven't tried, will do that.

22:29:11 Dec 26th 06 - Mr. Remote:

Come on efrandor is it their wierd noses? Is it that one of them looks like Hitler? Tellllllllllll usssssssssssssssss!

Wow re-looking at the dolphins thing, i now see a grand total of 5! Wooo i rock!

(Edited by Mr. Remote 12/26/2006 10:33:20 PM)

02:34:36 Dec 27th 06 - Mr. Hobo:

"those two triangles are not equal. take a look at the 8th line from the left.the triangle's border are not the same. that hole is the summation of all the areas that are not equal. nice trick though."

but SAS stats the triangles ARE congruent...

08:47:13 Dec 27th 06 - Sir Spoon:

I see 10 dolphins now.. Wtf =P

11:51:27 Dec 27th 06 - Mr. Remote:

Effie it has become my lifes work to find out what is the meaning of the pic...i have looked at it sidewards, upside down...and my eyes hurt :(

I don't like you effie :(

Joking :P

12:16:36 Dec 27th 06 - Mr. Kiwido:

nobody like him:(

just joking:D

17:57:40 Dec 27th 06 - Mr. Weirdgrivi:

Effie..does it have anything to do with the red hot chilli peppers?

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